PLEASE don't.

I interrupt the scheduled programming to bring you this important announcement...

Over the weekend I could NOT believe my eyes. Do you know how many people actually wear harem pants?! I wanted to pull out my siren, stick it on top of my head and run after them. Seriously, it's time to talk. I don't usually like to focus on the negative side of fashion. But this called for an intervention. Do you enjoy walking around looking like you just took a you know what in your pants? Don't you know that babies dislike the sag in their diapers? Please, for my own sanity and those around you, do not retreat back to Hammertime.

While I was on the subject of what NOT to wear, I was taken back to the 80's and remembered these horrible trends that are back in style... Skorts? NOOO! Denim print leggings? NOOO! Coolots, otherwise knows as gaucho pants? Hell NOOO! Just because something is brought back into "so called fashion" does not always mean it's actually in fashion. Trust me.

Please stick with pants that are form fitting. Not hanging off your bum or so tight we can see your "fill in the blank". Ewww. No, thank you.

Back tomorrow with real style.