Color-Obsessed Creative Director, Designer & Stylist

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Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013!

Another year is about to pass and I must say, it's been a great one.  What started off pretty rough turned into an ah-mazing year filled with laughter, growth, new ventures and lots of love.  I'm thankful to you, my wonderful readers for sticking with me throughout the years as I'm about to celebrate five, joyful years of blogging. Your visits, tweets and comments is what motivates me to keep on, keepin' on.  I'm so grateful to my family and friends for their unconditional love and support.  I look to the new year for a crisp, clean start as I continue to grow as both an entrepreneur and a woman.  

Let's take 2013 and make it exactly what we want it to be.  Cherish every moment, smile, belly laugh and embrace every kiss. Take the time to breathe in all that life has to offer us and the miracles that surrounds us.  Let's appreciate the small things we have and pass on kindness every chance we get.

See you again in the new year after my yearly ritual of unplugging, planning, preparing and reflecting for the new year to be the best yet.  As a wise friend once told me... "May the new year kiss you kindly."

all my love...  Bree xo

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